
Springpad v1.1.1

Looking for something a little more robust than the average organizer for your Android Smartphone? This application has it all. Here is a list of some...

Facebook and Android Market

Earlier today I happened upon the following infographic. Everyone loves infographics, right? They have data, they have color,  the two are merged into an eye-pleasing mashup....

This Week’s Market-Fresh Apps

As you’ve likely heard from one source or another, Android Market is growing at a phenomenal pace with thousands of new apps are being added each month....

Android on it’s way to the top!

The Android mobile operating system—specifically, smartphones running it—is continuing a steady climb in mobile web market share versus Apple’s iOS-based devices. Quantcast has published new statistics...

Droid R2-D2 Accessories Appear

If you haven’t heard yet, Verizon is going to be launching the special edition Droid R2-D2 on Thursday, September 30th.  Similar to the R2-D2 phone, which...