Google dumps Windows!!
Although this is not directly tied into Android it is still something of note. Since Google is our brain for Android and all things great. It...
Although this is not directly tied into Android it is still something of note. Since Google is our brain for Android and all things great. It...
This leak of Best Buys road map for EVO accessories shows us that we can get the car kit and the media dock sometime in July....
The ADW Launcher from @anderweb might be new app on the Android market (currently v.7.5 standalone), but I can honestly say it has quickly gain my...
Today Google’s developer site released the latest report on Android fragmentation. Things are looking really good as far as phones getting up graded to 2.1 as well as...
That’s a small statement that takes a lot of weight off the worlds shoulders. Google’s VP of Engineering for Android, Andy Rubin, has agreed that the...
Double twist just release their latest version of their software for windows. It now allows you to browse the android market from within the application. Double...
The Tattoo just got a Rom update via HTC. This is for users on the Orange network. To get the update you will have to manually...
Looks like after the report of GameLoft’s terrible DRM policy last week, they had a change of heart. In their initial release, it was conveyed that...
Contemplating getting a MT3G Slide? Engadget has a review of the device, and as usual it’s very thorough. The myTouch Slide is the latest version of...
You can go ahead and add two new members to the Snapdragon family as they have started to ship to Android devices. The processors MSM8260 and...
The mystery of the vanishing app has been solved. Â To refresh, yesterday’s market-fresh apps post included a pretty nice looking app for TD Bank of...
Looks as though after doing some checking on the posts that are flying around the web earlier today from user “Jake Day†on XDA-Developers. The claimed...
As you’ve likely heard from one source or another, Android Market is growing at a phenomenal pace. Roughly 5,000 or more new apps are being added each...
Over at XDA a user has just posted what seems to be an image of the HTC Sense UI for Android running on the HD2. According...
It doesn’t take long for members around the Android community to “hack” the latest devices. It seems like the HTC Evo doesn’t seem to give them...
Symantec, who’s name we all know as Norton, will be coming to Android devices slated for a June release.  The upcoming “Norton Everywhere” products will allow Symantec’s security...
The rumors and internet sales ads are correct and confirmed for Walmart and MyTouch 3G Slide. Thanks to n10z f8 for sending us these pictures from...
As June 4th edges closer, it seems that HTC and Sprint could potentially have a huge problem with one of the most hyped up device of...
Over on the XDAdevelopers forum, member Geniusdog254 has come up with a way to get your protected apps working again in Froyo. It’s a simple build.prop...
We’ve written about rooting your Motorola Milestone before, but since that link is now gone, we figured it would be good to go over the how-to...