
Android on the T-Mobile HD2!!!

Over at XDA a user has just posted what seems to be an image of the HTC Sense UI for Android running on the HD2. According to the user, an update is coming soon and possibly a ROM (user states that this is a kernel and not a cab) and all of this is possible due to the EVO 4G. None of this is proven yet or has any solid facts other than the image to back it up, so I hold no responsibility for credibility; and this is all up in the air still, but I am probably just an anxious for an update as many users are.

“all i gotta say is nothing is impossible and i will never give up i wiped the phone of windows and htc sense for windows then refreshed the boot loader with the android evo kernel as well htc sense for android and now trying to configure the os and sense to the hardware, i found this much easier with the t-mobile version since it has more rom to fit more coding, *big smile*”
-nothing is impossible

Check out the thread here and the image is posted. Stay tuned for updates as they come!


Many are posting that the image is indeed a fake since the promo and retail pictures of the EVO 4G all show the same picture as the one above. Same city, date, weather and time. Even so, take a look at the date… I doubt Seattle is already at June 1st. While it was a good try, don’t believe all the hype until we see a video of this thing booting and some actual use. Stay tuned for more updates.