
Center Clock MOD and USB Mount Fix for Thunderbolt Running CM7

If you happen to be one of those lucky people rocking an HTC Thunderbolt on CM7, here is a slick and quick little MOD for you to apply. It moves the clock form the far right of the screen to the center. The dev, jmotyka from Rootzwiki, states he also has the USB Mounting issues resolved inside the flash file for you too. It’s like a MOD and a fix at the same time. Check it below –

The MOD has been tested on and works for CM7 RC1.2, RC1.3, RC1.4. As with any MOD to your device, be sure to make a backup before you attempt to flash this just in case. He is also working on a version that will be compatible with the OMFGB ROM as well, but is currently not available.

To pick this cool MOD up, follow the link to jmotyka’s RootzWiki page and download. Be sure to thank the guys for his efforts in making this possible for your Thunderbolts.

Source: RootzWiki