• News
  • 26 October, 2015

Inspirational: Senior wish organization gives 97 year old Olive Horrell her dream, to tour Google and see the tech magic

This might not factor into the Android arena, but it is certainly a great story that I cam across on Cnet this evening. It involves a 97 year old woman by the name of Olive Horrell. She grew up through the technological changes that only someone her age could have appreciation for. She saw the birth of the Microwave, Jet airplanes, Video Games, Computers, GPS, Apple, Android and more things than I can even name in a single sitting.

Her lifelong dream was to become an engineer and be part of it all, but in a time when that was not the thing to do as a woman, she was forced to step back and just watch. Now, at 97 and living in an assisted living home, she uses her MacBook to send emails and longed for a chance to go to Google headquarters in Mountain View California. As she put it, it is the “epitome of all that wonderful tech stuff that comes out.” Her wish was granted thanks to the assisted living community of Brookdale and the Wish of a Lifetime organization, Olive got her wish and received a VIP tour of the complex that many of us wish to even drive past.

Google took her into the self driving cars, virtual reality and explained the cloud, to some degree. Take a watch of the video. It is such an amazing experience to see, and I have to agree with her final observation, everyone does spend  a little too much time living life through their smartphones and not enough time living life.

I can only imagine what it would be like to take my Grandma to Google for the day. She would be amazed, lost, confused and probably quite comical.

Source: Cnet