
Chromecast Is TIME’s Number One Gadget In Its “Top Ten Of Everything 2013”

chromecastWhat would you say the number one device/gadget released this year is? TIME has decided that Google‘s Chromecast streaming device should take the top honours in the gadget section of its “Top Ten of Everything 2013” series, beating out Apple’s new iPads and Oculus Rift for the number one spot. I think TIME’s blurb about the Chromecast sums up its success and appeal the best:

“Instead of trying to do everything — like Google’s famously ambitious and unsuccessful Google TV — this thumb-sized gizmo does one thing, does it as simply as possible and does it for the impulse-purchase price of $35.”

I definitely agree with TIME on this as although the Chromecast isn’t the most technology-laden gadget released this year, it’s achieved what so many media-streaming devices have tried to do over the years in a simple and easy package, and is affordable to anyone who’s willing to drop $35 (sometimes dropping that amount multiple times). Having said that, I’m not so much a fan of TIME’s other choices to round out the top 10 (the new iPads? Really?), but it’s nice to see the Chromecast getting the kudos it deserves.

What would you say is the number one device released in 2013? Let us know what you think should get the top honours in the comments.

Source: TIME via Android Police