
Android 4.4 For Galaxy Nexus Is Available Now; Take That Google!

Android 4.4 for Galaxy NexusWhen Google announced its newest build of Android, what we now know to be Android 4.4 KitKat, we were very surprised to hear that the Galaxy Nexus would not be receiving an update from Google itself. This was not only surprising because the Galaxy Nexus is the next most recent Nexus device after the Nexus 4, but also because Google made waves with its assurance that Android 4.4 would run on devices with only 512MB RAM, a criteria that the Galaxy Nexus meets comfortably. Understandably, owners of the phone were understandably upset, but not to be deterred, some determined developers over at XDA have knocked out a CyanogenMod 11 ROM for the Galaxy Nexus which will give the phone some of that KitKat goodness.

The ROM is technically still in beta due to some “missing common [CyanogenMod] features”, but other than some minor issues with the camera and screenshot functions, the ROM looks like it is stable and works pretty well. If you’re interested in getting this CM11 ROM for your Galaxy Nexus, you can visit the XDA Forum page to get more info and download links:

XDA Forum Page

Who’s been hoping that someone would make Android 4.4 for Galaxy Nexus? Let us know if you’re going to try this ROM and tell us how you find KitKat.

Source: XDA