
CM10 could be quickest upgrade iteration yet, CM9 device’s along for the Ride

Anytime Google announces a new Android OS version, many of think of one name, Cyanogen. Why? Well, because Cyanogen and the crew have been pulling AOSP and building a greater tomorrow for all of us Android users out there. They support a huge number of devices across and ever-growing community. When Google announced Jelly Bean and the release of the AOSP for it, we know CM would be happy to bring it to everyone out there. There are always two main questions though, what will it be named and what devices will get it. A small announcement was made via the CyanogenMOD G+ page an earlier this afternoon that gave us all a lot of hope.

First off, it will be CM10 not CM 9.1 or something else. They fully expect the ‘Prject Butter’ aspect of the new code to be a fairly painless merging experience. Next, they are currently fully expecting that any and all devices that can and will support CM9 will in fact be eligible for CM10. And the most important question, ETA.. Well, that is one you just don’t ask about.

Google is expected to release the Jelly Bean source code in the middle of July. Once that has been pushed out then the CM team will get to cracking and see whats up. Hopefully we will start to see some CM10 nightlies rolling out to a plethora of devices in only a few short days. Until then, sit back, relax and know that even though your carrier and the manufacture might be failing at their jobs, the CyanogenMOD team has your back.

Source: Google+