
CM9 builds drop for the LG Optimus 2X and T-Mobile G2X, come get some ICS! At your own risk of Course

Well hello there Ice Cream Sandwich. How do you do? Looks like a build of the famed CynaogenMOD 9 has been made available for a few of the LG owners in our midst. A select few of you, LG Optimus 2X and G2X, have an oppotunity to check out the progress and see what all the hub bub is about when it comes to, not only CM9, but also Ice Cream Sandwich.

Before you go driving 100 mph to get home and to yout PC to download the file, there are a few things you should know. As per a wide majority of ICS ROM’s this one does have its issues. Not that it should detour the die hard Android fanatic from giving it a whirl. Her is what G+er Ricardo Cerqueira made mention of in his post today.

Most visible Known issues:
– Scrollable popup windows (Ringtone selector, or wifi password dialog) have opacity issues (they get transparent when they shouldn’t). They still work, but it’s annoying.
– No media acceleration: No video decoding, no video encoding
– Apps made for Android 4 with their own specific graphics implementations (Chrome is a good example) will be glitchy.

Compared to some of the known issues I have seen before in ICS builds, this is pretty minor. If video is a key component for your daily life then you may want to hold off a little bit longer. If you, are like many others, and just don’t care, well, then have at it. All download links are available via the G+ post in the source link. Happy CM9’ing, let us know what you think of it.

Via Ricardo Cerqueira G+

A special thanks to twitter follower jameslt for the heads up.