
Game Review: R-Type

R-Type is a real blast from the 1980s past and is one of the granddaddies of the Shoot ‘em up genre. It might not have been the first Shoot ‘em up game but it was incredibly popular and has appeared on an obscene number of computers and consoles. The port to Android is very close to the original in every way and you’re still flying from left to right shooting waves of enemies and bosses while trying to dodge between bullets. R-Type on Android runs at what feels like about half the speed of the arcade version, which is no doubt due to the high level of difficulty and the lack of precision in touchscreen controls compared to joysticks and pads. There’s been many Shoot ‘em ups, even on Android that have improved on R-Type since it was released two and a half decades ago but this is still worth looking at if you’re feeling nostalgic or you want to check out this genre’s roots.

When you’re ready, head over to the Android Market and download this game by clicking or scanning the QR Code below.
Summary and Downloads:
Game: R-Type
Developer: DotEmu
Cost: $2.99

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