
CONFIRMED: Pebble Smart Watch Will Be Available From Best Buy Starting July 7th

pebbleLooks like that inventory tip was correct; Kickstarter backers were informed this morning that the Pebble smart watch would indeed be available from Best Buy this week. It will be selling for $149.99 and will only be available in the Jet Black flavour initially and the Cherry Red will become available in August.

If you’re looking to order the watches online, you could use this link, but unfortunately it seems like it’s sold out already. Figures; it was only the most successful Kickstarter project ever. Anyhow, Pebble looks committed to using Best Buy as an outlet to help them “get Pebbles onto wrists more quickly while allowing our small team to focus on software and feature improvements for current and future Pebblers.” That’s definitely a sentiment I can back as I really feel that the Pebble hasn’t fully realised its potential.

Now that the Pebble will be available at retail, who’s going to pick one up whenever they get back in stock? Better still, who managed to order one? Let us know if you’ve ordered one.

Source: Best Buy via Kickstarter