
Continuing its Android crusade, Microsoft has bought Echo Notification Lockscreen

Microsoft has made many significant moves to cement its place as one of the top developers of Android apps recently, and in the latest example of this new crusade, Microsoft has bought Echo Notification Lockscreen, a custom lockscreen app that has somewhere in the vicinity of 1,000,000-5,000,000 downloads on the Google Play Store and a great rating to boot. Chief Experience Officer at Microsoft, Julie Larson-Green, expressed Microsoft’s urge to fix something it sees as a problem with lock screens on all smart devices and the notifications that are shown on it.

“It’s a list of what apps want you to know, not necessarily what’s important to you.”

And Microsoft isn’t just working on the Echo Notification Lockscreen to improve Android – Larson-Green says that improving it in its standalone form first means that when it is refined to the level Microsoft wants, it can be integrated into Windows 10 and Microsoft’s whole ecosystem, without the risk of having it around half-finished. You can really start to see that Microsoft has a much bigger vision for its ecosystem than just Windows 10, one day extending it to Android the same way it would extend it to Windows Phones.

What do you think about the news Microsoft has bought Echo Notification Lockscreen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Business Insider via Phandroid