
Daily Steals: Motorola Lapdock on special for $69.99

With less than 18 hours left to purchase Motorola’s Lapdock you can’t afford to waste any time!  Normally just under $250.00, it’s being listed for $69.99 on the Daily Deals website.  This toy allows you to plug-in your smartphone and use it as you would your laptop while still allowing you to text and make calls, all the while charging your device so no worries about missing an important call once you detach it.  The only thing I’m not quite understanding is what the use is.  We now have such an array of cloud services at our disposal, all our files are easily accessible from anywhere.  The only use I really see is if your laptop is down for some reason.  While the idea is cool, I don’t know if I’d have much use for it.  I guess at $70 I’ll just have to buy one and find out so follow me over to Daily Steals and let’s compare our thoughts!


Daily Steals – Motorola Lapdock