• News
  • 7 February, 2014

Cloud.tv Takes the Next Step in Customer Service with Dayframe Issue

Yesterday was a flurry of excitement for many people. Cloud.tv made a substantial update to Dayframe that added in some features, fixed some issues and offered up Chromecast support. Shortly after releaseing the news though, cloud.tv was forced to make an update that removed Chromecast support at Google’s request. Not because they violated anything, but because their app was based off the developer preview SDK for Cast and not the official update release. The whole thing caused a lot of problems. Mainly because the SDK hasn’t been released because the roll out to Google Play Services hasn’t complete for every Android device yet. Of course, all our readers already have it installed, well, you should at least.

Dayframe 2.0 Chromecast
Right after the everything went cray, cloud.tv contacted us to let us know their next move. Obviously they weren’t going to let those that bought the Prime feature be out the money if their primary reason of purchase was for Chromecast support. They asked us to make an update and announcement on how to get a hold of them for a refund.

Today we hear from them again. With an even bigger step in the right direction to satisfy their customers over the whole mess. To make things right, they are offering anyone that bought the Prime feature yesterday a simple form to fill out so that they can give you Prime for free and issue a refund if you haven’t already gone that route.

Obviously this is above and beyond. A simple refund in this situation is more than enough for most since the Chromecast function was removed after an update that was pushed later in the afternoon. We knew Chromecast support would be coming back to Dayframe later and now we are hearing that it should be landing in an update later next week.

Fill out the form

Way to go cloud.tv. Personally,  I think they handled the whole situation pretty spectacularly with all things considered.