
[Deal Alert] Verizon Galaxy Nexus up for just a penny via Amazon Wireless

Not everyone is as excited to snag a Samsung Galaxy S III as some of us are. Many will tell your the Galaxy Nexus is a better phone. In some respects it is. It is a pure Google experience, no TouchWiz, it is fast, beautiful and all around a great device. If it had ever landed on T-Mobile for contract and a great price I might have just picked on up and not cared about the S III at all. Sadly that isn’t the case. For those of you looking to hit up Verizon though, you have one heck of deal going on. The Galaxy Nexus has been sitting at $50 for a little while now, but it has just dropped to only a penny. Yes, that is 1 cent, one little Abraham Lincoln. I bet you can find one of those under the seat of your car.

Now before you go and get too excited… This penny offering is just for new customers or add a lines though. If you are looking to upgrade then you will be looking to drop $149.99. Just thought we should warn you a little on that one. If you are, however, looking to add a new line or switch over to Verizon, this is a pretty damn good time to do it and get a great phone on the cheap. Head over to Amazon Wireless now to pick one up.