
Verizon Galaxy S III pre-orders to start shipping July 9th

As much as we had all hoped for a national roll out of the Samsung Galaxy S III on all carriers on the same day, it looks like that just won’t happen. Not that an extra few weeks is all that ridiculous though. Beats the heck out of 6 to 8 months later, right? A new blurry image acquired by Droid-Life almost clearly shows shipping dates for the new Samsung flagship device to start leaving the Verizon warehouse on July 9th. Looks like Big Red won’t be the first carrier to drop the device on the public’s doorstep for once. The document image also shows that they will be carrying the 16GB and the 32GB version, which great news. We already know that AT&T only mentions the 16GB model with a lame in-store 16GB SD Card promo.

Will the extra two weeks be long enough to make you jump ship to another carrier? We sure don’t think it will affect to many peoples carrier decisions. You guys going to get your pre-orders in tomorrow, or wait and see what the price difference is on AmazonWireless?

Source: Droid-Life