
Did you miss the Samsung Galaxy S6 event? Full video is available for viewing

Not everyone is lucky enough to be in Barcelona right now checking out all the tech and events in person. That leaves many of us to catch the live streams of what is happening over seas. In some cases, real world jobs take that time away as well. I caught the first 20 minutes of the event but had to head to a full day shift. Yes, on a Sunday. It happens to the best of us. If you happened to miss it, or want to watch it again, then you will be happy to know the entire event is available to watch at your earliest convenience.

I assume most of you have done plenty of reading about the new Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, but there is still something exciting about watching the presentation of the devices and the software. Compared to the crazy musical fiasco at another event Samsung put on, this one was a pretty good show. Be warned, you will want to jump to about 28 minutes in as the first 30 minutes is just advert replays for what is to come.