
Disney locks down a Christmas deal, 12 apps on sale for $0.49

Disney Games and Apps on Sale for Android
Looking to fill your phone or tablet full of Disney games to keep your kids entertained before the holiday festivities? I know I am. It looks like Disney pulled in some favors and has managed to get, for now, 12 games in the their Play Store portfolio on sale for $0.49. Last I checked, but I could be wrong, the lowest price you can list an app for is $0.99. So, what do you look to gain? Well, you could hit up their developer page and take a look at all their apps for yourself, or just check out the ones on sale in the list below.

There are also a number of other games that have always been free, but are offering in-app purchase sales.

Better get to business, I’m sure the little ones will appreciate it. I wonder if it’s only 12 apps to hint towards the 12 days of Christmas, or if its just a handy coincidence.