
Do You Know What ‘E3’ Is? T-Mobile Wants To Send You There For FREE

If you happen to love T-Mobile and gaming you might want to pay attention to this announcement.

T-Mobile is currently running a promotion to not only win a FREE T-Mobile G2X, but also win a FREE trip to E3 this year. All you hardcore gamers out there know how awesome this would be for you.  In order to give the contest a try you will need to do only one small thing. Upload a 15 second video to T-Mobile’s Facebook page explaining why you are the ultimate gamer and why you would be the ideal representative for T-Mobile.

All submitted videos will be judged by their Facebook fans. The top 10 ranked entries will all win a prize of some sort. The 1st and 2nd place videos will receive a free T-Mobile G2X and a chance to go to E3. The winners will get to host gaming challenges, conduct interviews and much much more.

The battle begins on May 15th, so get your game face on and start prepping your videos now.

Source: T-Mobiles Facebook