
Droid Incredible Users can Boot up to 5 ROMs Independantly

When dual boot was enabled for the HD2, allowing you to boot windows or Android, I nearly lost my mind. Not that I cared to boot into windows all that often but when I needed to it was available. Long before that I was a ROM flashing fiend on my G1, MyTouch and now my Vibrant. It comes with the territory and desire for absolute device perfection. I am certain that most of you get tired of flashing sometimes just to check out an update or new ROM. I know I am. Droid Incredible users have the easy life, thanks to Conap and all the people that helped him out on this.


The application is called DualRomX2 and is an upgraded version of the original build called DualRom by Team ADX. For a simple explination, it will allow you to set up 4 different ROMs + one on your phone, to quickly and easily access and enjoy. It basically turns your phone into an installer.  This will load the roms to the emmc on boot, which in turn let’s you load the roms quickly and without flashing. Talk about a time saver. The whole process isn’t overly complicated but does require some reading. Since the thread has a great deal of information, I would recommend if you are interested you get to reading before you attempt anything.

Let us know how it goes. It sounds amazing. I would love to see this become an option for other devices in the future.

Source: XDA