If Gamelofts release of Brothers in Arms 3 isn’t up your game alley, then you might be more interested to know that Electronic Arts has released their latest SimCity adventure to the Play Store with SimCity BuildIt. The latest Sim release brings back the good old days of building and managing a city from the ground up. Unlike the Sims 3 and Sims free play where you manage your individual Sim and a major step up from the SimCity Deluxe title that they put out and removed a few years ago. Although, that one was prior to the boom of in-app purchases and might be a welcomed title for a return if it was optimized a bit and picked up a set price tag.

In SimCity BuildIt you will need to produce materials, craft them into goods, build buildings, tourist destinations and make sure they have water and power too. Two days ago EA releases a behind the scenes look at the upcoming title and went over a few bits of the games aspects, here take a look.
The graphics look pretty stellar and, at least in the video demo, the ability to zoom down to almost street level where you can see cars pretty clearly is also looking nice. You will be faced with all the challenges of keeping your city growing and running smoothly with a myriad of choices to make. Will you focus on industrial growth or education? Where should I put the next row of housing and is there power to that location or will I have to build a power plant. Do I have enough money to do both right now?
Be prepared for potential sticking points if you aren’t apt to enjoy spending oodles of money on in-app purchases though. I have yet to give it a run yet to see how she looks, but that could be the plans this evening. I am curious to see how far along one can go being frugal with the in-app currency. Hopefully there isn’t a brick wall preventing basic forward growth. The new SimCity BuildIt title is free for all who wish to check it out.
EA put extra emphasis on the Play Store that it optimized for tablets, so that is where you might garner the best experience.