• News
  • 4 August, 2010

“End Of Summer” Froyo Update For Three’s HTC Desire

With the disaster surrounding  Three’s HTC Hero Android 2.1 update, they have come out and stated that the Android 2.2 update for their HTC Desire will be coming at the “end of summer.” The good thing about stating “end of summer,” is that no definite date is given so that they can cover their tail if need be. Since HTC already has the update ready for the HTC Desire, maybe they’re trying to look like the good guys by making customers think they’ll have to wait a while, but get the update sooner than expected. You can find Three’s official statement below.

“Although the HTC Desire update was released for unlocked phones last week, HTC are building a specific version for Three which will take them a few weeks. Once we have this version it will be tested, approved by Google and then rolled out to customers. Although it goes without saying that we will get the update to customers ASAP, it’s likely to be towards the end of summer until we can guarantee a problem free version for our customers”

Source: TechRadar

Can you trust Three since their HTC Hero fiasco? Let us know what you think in the comments below.