
Game Review: Alchemy, Can You Take 4 Basic Elements and Create 270?

I must warn you in advance, this game is highly addictive and frustrating. One of my good friends recommended it to me 4 days ago. He and his wife spent 2 weeks trying to outdo each other and create all 270 creations. Yes you read that correctly, 270! That’s where the real challenge comes in. All you get to start out with is your 4 basic elements; Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. From there you are able to combine the elements and create new ones. Then, take your new ones and add others to create more. It’s mind boggling to think that 4 elements can make 270 creations,  but it can be done. Currently I only have 102 after 4 days which isn’t too bad.

Once you have created a new combination, it saves in your list and can be accessed whenever you want by tapping on the + button. While such a big list sounds unmanageable, don’t fear trying to maneuver them around to make room for more, just throw them in the trash. You can drag your creation to the ? icon and learn a lot about how you created it and some information about it. Did you know beer is the third most consumed beverage overall, after water and tea? There is also UNDO button as well. To gain the UNDO option, tap on it and it will LINK you to the internet to pick up the Ad Removal Key for $2.95 and give you the ability to UNDO something you have made.

One thing that took me a little bit of time to figure out was how to add items back to my ‘work screen’, so I thought I would share 3 ways that I’ve been able to make that happen.

  • Tap on the + symbol then select what you wish to add to the screen.
  • Long press on an item and it will let you go through and put checks by what you wish to add. Then tap the add button on the top right to add the selected items.
  • Tap the ‘add all’ button. Not very practical when you get up over 50 or so.

When the application starts for the first time, it will give you some tips that are very useful so read through them really quickly.

The only thing that bugged me a little was some of the combination’s don’t always make sense, such as fire + water = alcohol, I would think steam. A good majority of the combination’s do make sense though, such as earth + air = dust, then take dust + water = mud.

Of course you can always cheat and look at the full list located on our website that we recently posted. I would recommend saving the link for when you get stuck on a few.  My personal favorite is man + alcohol = alcoholic. There are some pretty creative ones in the application. I recommend this app to everyone that wants to challenge their mind and who may not have all day to get involved in a RPG.

Application Name: Alchemy

Created by: Andrey “Zed” Zaikin

Price: FREE

Currently 5956 ratings (4.76 average)

As always you can pick up this mind boggling application below.