
Espier Launcher: It’s like MIUI with some iOS Attached

Many of our faithful readers know how much we love MIUI. Even if the standard layout may be iPhone-ish, the overall ROM is incredible. Some people out there really like the layout of having all the apps across multiple screens but can’t install MIUI or just don’t want to go through all the trouble. In steps a launcher that I found after hours of searching the web. It is called Espier Launcher.

As far as I can tell this is another great launcher created by our fine Chinese friends, but have no fear, they translated it for us silly Americans. The launcher provides you a scrolling desktop of applications starting from your home screen crossing multiple screens to your right. The dock bar is a glass reflection plate, each app that you place on it will reflect accordingly. That is a pretty nifty feature that I haven’t seen on other dock bars before. It also allows you to auto arrange the icons in any order you see fit, even in alphabetical order. That is something the MIUI is still lacking.

If you slide your finger from the bottom of the screen towards the top it opens up a task manager. It is located at the bottom of the screen and you can quickly open other apps or even kill apps that you aren’t using any more. An additional feature that many of you might like is the folder creation. Similar to what we saw with Ice Cream Sandwich, you can just drag apps on top of each other to create a folder. Finally, the search function. It is located to the screen left of your main home screen. when you swipe over to it, it automatically pulls up your keyboard for searching.

Now, I have made this launcher sound pretty darn good. It has a lot of features built-in, is clean and fast. It offers the MIUI/iPhone experience that many are after. There is however a downside. If I am not mistaken, it’s a downside in iOS as well. There is no widget support. If you live and die by the use of your widgets, then this app is not for your.

The app can not be found on the market, but rather on the developers own webpage. It is free for everyone and is a simple apk download. Install it like any other 3rd party application and you are all set. Just head on over to the link below for more information and download.

Espier Launcher Home Page