
Finally: you can now get a OnePlus 2 without an invite. Forever.

There seem to be two main camps when it comes to OnePlus‘ invite system used to acquire their smartphones – those who don’t mind it, and those that hate it. One thing’s for sure: nobody seems to love it (besides OnePlus), and thankfully, it looks like it’s time for OnePlus to ditch it entirely for their latest flagship device, the OnePlus 2. Yes, you can now get the OnePlus 2 without an invite, and no, this isn’t one of OnePlus two or three day ordeals where they make the device available without an invite temporarily – this is no invites forever.

In a blog post to announce this momentous occasion, OnePlus makes no apologies for instituting their invite system, as it helped them control inventory and thus allow them to grow at a sustainable rate. Presumably it’s also helped that their devices have been insanely popular with the Android community, though we’ll never know if the invite system ever hampered that. In the post, OnePlus also mentions that you can get its new OnePlus X without an invite between December 5th-7th, or you can always just buy and invite (and an iPhone case) for $19.99 USD.

What do you think about OnePlus getting rid of invites for the OnePlus 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: OnePlus via Phones Review