• News
  • 6 August, 2010

Flash Support on the Motorola Droid Coming Soon

If you are looking for Flash support after upgrading to Android 2.2, then you’re going to have to wait until August 18th. The image below shows internal communication from Verizon which specifically states that “Android 2.2 includes support of Adobe Flash Player (Available 8/18/10).”

Confusion surrounded Adobe’s Flash Play because many of you searched for Flash 10.1 in the Android Market which concluded with “No Results.” Yesterday we reported that Verizon has reached out to Adobe looking for answers and judging by the information above they must have received them. If you are waiting on Flash support, you might as well circle the 18th on your calender and relax.

Source: Droid-Life

Is Flash support a really big deal to you or do you even care? Let us know in the comments below.