
Flipboard updated today too, improved performance and easier access to Google reader among the List

I will be perfectly honest with you guys. Flipboard looked cool and beautiful, but not on my little old Vibrant, I had absolutely no use for it. With the recent purchase of a the Galaxy S III, Flipboard was pre-installed, I found a new love for it. Today they pushed out an update that offers a small, but fair, amount of stuff. We will keep this short and sweet and show you the list below.

What’s in this version:

– Improved navigation within sections, visible when you tap on section’s name
– Easier access to Google Reader feeds and folders
– In-app hints that expose helpful functionality
– New shopping cart features (Gilt Taste section)
– Improved performance and bug fixes

Bug fixes and improved performance are always a welcomed sight for an app. Not to mention some easier navigation.

If you have Flipboard and live by it, then you should go update the app. If you don’t have it yet, then why not take it for a spin. it is a free app after all. Hit up the handy little QR code below by either clicking on it or scanning it to get your hands on the beautiful magazine style news reader. P.S. Don’t forget to add us to your feed. :O)

Application: Flipboard
Developer: Flipboard
Cost: FREE