
Former Googlers Develop the App ‘Cover’ that will Change your Device’s Lockscreen for Easier App Access [Video]


There are many developers out there striving to make our Android devices better. Apps, home replacements, you name it. These devs work their magic, and it makes you wonder why Google has not hired them to improve Android. Well some ex Googlers have created an app called “Cover”, that will change the way we access our apps from our homescreen.

Cover is a fresh, new lockscreen that kind of takes a page out of Blackberry 10’s book. I will get to why in just a second here, but first, what Cover will do is recognize what apps you use most at home, as well as when you are at work, or out and about. After it learns which apps you use most when you are at certain locations, it will throw them on your lockscreen for easy access.

Now here is where it gets pretty awesome, and where it has a similarity to Blackberry 10’s UI. By swiping an app icon on the Cover lockscreen, you get to peak behind the lockscreen to quickly see what is happening on that app. Say if you have Twitter on the lockscreen, as soon as you swipe over the icon, you will be able to see your Twitter feed easily, and quickly. Very nicely down.

Another feature these guys have added to this new app, is a quicker way to multitask. Say you are in your messaging app, and you need to give someone map directions. All you have to do is touch the right side of your screen and a sidebar will pop out giving you access to certain apps for quick multitasking. Yes, we have seen that before, but it is nice when developers incorporate multiple features when it comes to new apps.

Cover is not in the Play Store quite yet. If you want to give it a try you will have to head over to their web page and submit your email to invited to test it out. You can also check out the app in action with the video down below from their YouTube channel, as well as an interview with one of the devs presented by AllthingsD. The link for their page to submit your email is listed down below as well. Let us know what you think about this new lockscreen app of innovation.

Source: AllthingsD
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