
MightyText wants you to use your phone… from your Computer


Do you ever wish you could text, but your phone is unavailable for one reason or another? Enter MightyText.

MightyText was originally designed as Android‘s answer to ‘iMessage’, allowing you to text from through your phone from your other connected devices. However there has been a lack of options that allow cloud and syncing to a level the same as iCloud; at best, there have been attempts at replicating parts of iCloud on Android. Services like AirDroid allow you to remotely access your phone’s abilities, but only if it is on the same WiFi network. Everyone’s favourite cloud service, Dropbox, allows us to save files to the cloud, but it obviously lacks any real purpose beyond that.

MightText aims to combine all of these features, in particular cloud storage and remote messaging, through your phone, tablet and computer web interface. The idea is the brainchild of two former Google employees, Maneesh Arora and Amit Sangani, and their vision is that all these services be connected through MightText in a manner that can be productively used daily.

I had a play of MightyText this morning and it’s definitely a nifty piece of software; the web interface is slick and there’s very little clutter on it (that said, I don’t get texts much…). The syncing occurs without you noticing, it’s intuitive to pick up, and it’s got some cool extra features like a battery status that tells you how much of your phone battery is remaining. It’s a work in progress, but I think it’s definitely a step in the right direction for Android  phones to properly join the cloud. And best of all, it’s free to use.

Is this what you’ve been waiting for to use with your Android phone? Let us know if you pick it up and have a go.

Source: MightyText, TechCrunch


Application: MightyText

Play Store Link

Price: Free