
Four must have glass analog clock Widgets

Last night I went on a market shopping spree, spending a whopping $0. Free apps are my favorite thing about Android and the market. Not that I don’t support developers when I find an app at a reasonable price that is done well. With so many application available on the market it is almost impossible for you to find everything that you might be interested in. To add a little bit more mayhem to the mix, using the search doesn’t always return the results you desire. Mostly due to what developers name their applications and the key words they use might not match what you are thinking.

One of my searches found me sifting through 20 pages of clock widgets. I realize that many of you already have a favorite clock widget already such as Beautiful Widgets or maybe you don’t use one at all. I toggle aback and forth between weather and clock widgets pretty often. A nice looking analog clock can really add some class and beauty to your home screen. I located 4 that I thought were pretty nice looking. All four are different than one another, but all are glass. They offer the time with a see through background so that your wallpaper isn’t obstructed. They are very clean and very nice looking  Check them out –


Glass Clock Widget 2X2


Glass Clock Widget 3 Sizes – 1X1, 2X2, and 4X3


Glass Clock Black 


Crystal Black Clock Widget

All four of these clocks are free for you to use and by simply clicking on the title of the clock you will head straight to the market to pick them up. Each one has its own personality and all four are amazing looking. If you are looking for a clock with more functional than just looks and the time, then these aren’t going to be for you. They don’t open you alarm or have any settings attached to them. They sure do look good though.

Anyone else have a favorite clock widget that they use? Let us know what you have found.