That something better is fast approaching. The next step in portable gaming without limits, except carrier data speeds and caps or course, come in the form of cloud based gaming. Giving the end user the ability to purchase a game and stream it to any compatible device in real time. Essentially alleviating piracy and killing of platform specific versions. No long will you need to buy your favorite game for your PC, Xbox, PS3 and Android device. Let me tell ya, the future of gaming both on platforms and for portable devices is shaping up pretty nice.
At a GTC 2012 keynote, Gaikai shows off a new game called Hawken: War is a Machine. It is a first person shooter style mech warrior game. You know, the huge robotic machines with oodles of firepower and fun toys. Sounds good to us. What sounds even better is they demoed the capabilities of their cloud computing system with Hawken on a few different devices, including a Transformer Prime. Take a look at the video below to see it in action. If you just want to see the game you will want to skip to about the 2:50 marker.
Source: Droidgamers