
Galaxy Nexus Caused the Verizon 4G LTE Outage?! Well Maybe

So the Galaxy Nexus has now been delayed from its official, “unofficial” release date of December 9th. The buzz around the digital streets yesterday were pretty ridiculous. Everyone posting leaked images and saying it was going to be released on the 9th, and all were happy to hear the news. Then we wake up today with the news that it was going to be delayed, yet again, leaving some weeping and others not believing it. Anyone else feeling just a little worn out?

So with all the rumor hype this week, the Verizon 4G LTE  just “happens” go out earlier today leaving  poor Verizon users with standard 3G Speeds. So what was the cause? Is the Galaxy Nexus just so powerful and awesome, that it caused a 4G LTE outage? Well let me get your brain thinking about this. Verizon had their first major 4G LTE outage on April 27th just a day before the Droid Charge was suppose to be released, delaying it until mid May. Of course then there was an actual legit announcement of the release of the Droid Charge and there still has not been the official release date of the Galaxy Nexus. Then think about this. The Galaxy Nexus is running a totally revamped Android OS that is the infamous Ice Cream Sandwich, and has been reported having troubles with the final binary and the 4G LTE service, so what is to say that this has nothing to do with this damn phone that just will not get released.

It is just a theory my Android friends. There is still no official word on when the Galaxy Nexus will be in the wild. Many still think it is going to be the 9th. Me personally, thinks it will not happen. I hope I am wrong, because I think we are all little tired of the run around we are getting from this phone’s release  ever since we saw the gorgeous-ness back in October. As for you Verizon 4G LTE users, sorry you had to go back to that slow 3G speed. I think you will live. I say that with sarcasm because I am jealous of the speeds you get. It is freakin’ faster than my WiFi at home!

Source: The Droid Guy