
Galaxy Nexus Custom Battery Door IndieGoGo Project

Do you have a Galaxy Nexus? Well so do hundreds of other people. But like all red-blooded Android freaks you know you’re itching to customize it to your own personality. So you already Rooted and have a custom ROM on your shiny new baby. You’ve loaded it up with your favorite launcher and downloaded a very nice icon set and snagged a screaming wallpaper; what do you do now? Well of course! It only makes sense to customize your battery door! Omar Trujillo is giving you opportunity to do just that with his IndieGoGo project. Omar is hoping this idea takes off so he can look into offering other devices to the mix, I would love to see a Galaxy Note custom door myself. These are OEM Galaxy Nexus doors not after market cheap versions, the designs are laser etched and they look amazing! So if you just have to go one step further in your customization obsession, I would say this is a good step. Check out IndieGoGo for the project!

Source: IndieGoGo

Via: Omar Trujillo