• News
  • 25 April, 2013

The Lixil Satis Toilet can be Flushed by your Android Device [Video]


Ever thought it was hard to flush a toilet the regular way? Yeah me neither. But that did not stop the Japanese from coming out with new toilet that you can control with your device.

The Lixil Satis Toilet is a revolutionary toilet that can be controlled by your device via Bluetooth. You not only have the ability to flush it, but you can also adjust the water temperature and even lift the lid before you reach the toilet to do your business. Nobody wants to touch a toilet seat.

The app you will use with this toilet, is called My Satis. You can actually remotely log into your toilet , and see how much water and electricity is being used monthly. That is one way to jump into your toilet, without actually doing the horrendous act.

So if you want to get your hands on a Satis Toilet, you can order one for the price of $2385. There are three different models to choose from, so find one that is most comfortable for you. Also check out the video of it in action. I am sure many of you will not think twice about ordering one.

Source: worldwidegadget.com