
Galaxy S 4 Benchmarks Blow the Competition Away

Samsung Galaxy S 4

Time to see how the Galaxy S 4 stands to the rest of the new phones out there. We have already seen some current benchmarks of the new phone, but this one you see how it stands to the HTC One, iPhone 5, Nexus 4, and Blackberry Z10. As you can see, it kills them all. Apparently this is the quad-core version too, so no octa-processor cheating-ness going on here. Not sure what benchmark they used for this test, so hopefully this is not some mock-up some Samsung fanboy made. Even if it was, I know the Galaxy S 4 still would beat out the rest anyways. I has that 200 MHZ extra juice from the HTC One. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: SamMobile