
Galaxy S4 Delayed for T-Mobile


Looks like T-Mobile is having some issues getting their Galaxy S4 variant out to the public. The original date for ordering the Galaxy S4 online was tomorrow, April 24th. Looks like that date has changed to the 29th for some reason. Here is what T-Mobile had to say:

We know customers are really looking forward to getting their new Samsung Galaxy S 4 soon. However, due to an unexpected delay with inventory deliveries, the Galaxy S 4 will not be available on as planned on Wednesday, April 24. Instead, online availability is expected to begin on Monday, April 29. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working with Samsung to deliver the device to T-Mobile customers as soon as possible.

Well that is definitely a bummer for anyone on the Tmo network that was looking forward into ordering their S4 tomorrow. Only got to wait five days though, so hopefully some of you get this information before tomorrow. Let us know what you guys think about this.

Source: TmoNews