
Gameloft Adds Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus to the Android Market

Gameloft has been in and out of the news for a long time. usually due to their policies regarding re-downloading a game from them that you purchased. I received an email not long about this very problem where a gentleman bought a games, then bought a new phone a few months later and was told to buy it again. Although the company makes some amazing games, this type of action on their part has undoubtedly made some people stand offish about buying from their site. To add insult to injury, they keep most of their best stuff on their site out of the market. This is most likely due to piracy concerns and I don’t blame them, but is rather annoying.

Recently though, Gameloft added one of their best first person shooter sequels to the Android market, Modern Combat 2. It is easily one of my favorite games on my Vibrant. Pricing for this game is the same as their site, coming in at $6.99. The good news is if you delete it or upgrade your device, it forever stays available to re-install. Thank goodness.

Here are a few screen shots and a video of it in action. You can also check out our full review of Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus for a more detailed look at the game.