
Gameloft puts Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour on sale for $0.99

Modern Combat 4 Zero hour sale
Looks like Gameloft is trying snag a few more downloads for the last release of the Modern Combat series. They have just put Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour on sale for the masses. Bringing the action packed first person shooter down from $4.99 to just $0.99. It’s pretty much a steal at that price.

In case you have been living under a rock, here is the trailer for it.


How can you say no for a buck? Let’s hope that this special pricing is leading towards the release of Modern Combat 5 which was said to be released in Q4 of this year. In case you are wondering, Q4 starts October 1st. Hit the link below to go pick it up and brush up on your killing skills for cheap.

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour Play Store Link