• News
  • 28 June, 2012

Get the most out of your recently pre-ordered Nexus 7 tablet with a free Guidebook

We are suckers for guide books, instruction manuals and training videos for our devices. Not usually after we get our hands on the device, but something keep us in the know before hand. I have personally read a good 50 or so manuals from cover to cover about a new device even if I wasn’t going to be buying one. It is just good knowledge to have in your head for later use. This brings us to the newly released Nexus 7 tablet that thousands of you have already ordered. What better way to keep your excitement level elevated then to have some reading material easily available on your PC, Android phone or current tablet. Google just added a 90 page book to the Play Store covering everything you might possibly need to know, want to know or didn’t even know about your new Nexus 7 tablet.

Kinda small to see in a screen shot huh. Oh well we tried at least. You get he general idea. The book is currently available in the Play Store for that magical price of FREE. Don’t forget though, you need to have Google Play Books installed to view it on your device. Hit up the QR code below to snag the book and crack it open. You never know what goodies you might discover.

Book: Nexus 7 Guidebook
Author: Google, Inc.›
Cost: FREE