
[Give-A-Way] Top 3 Ugliest Christmas sweaters win a pair of J5M ear buds, let the laughter Begin

We just posed posted up our review of Jlabs 5th Anniversary J5M ear buds. If you read it then you are probably on your way to order a pair if you are in need. With music presence ever-growing in the Android world thanks to Google, a great set of headphones that double as a tool for holding conversations is a must. The J5M’s are just an outstanding set of buds to do just that.

We thought about a way top make entering a contest to win one of 3 sets of these that we have to give-a-way was a tough one. I am not sure about you but filling in forms and submitting comments gets a little old after a while. So we came up with one that we think you all will love. The Ugliest Christmas Sweater contest. Yup, we want to see a photo of you in your ugly Christmas sweater. I know you all have one tucked away some where. Not to mention there are always dozens of Christmas parties still underway that require you to wear it. So why not put the fun and the comedy of that sweater to work for you to win some ear buds?

Here’s how it is going to work. You have two options to enter. You can go old school and just email them directly to me at Be sure to put ‘Ugly Sweater Contest’ in the subject line so they don’t get lost. Many of you might like this method but I will warn you, they are all going up on the AndroidStory Google Plus account for viewing and comments. If you are a proud GPluser, feel free to upload the photo directly to your account and send it over to +AndroidStory. Be sure to add us while you are at it. We will share them with all of our followers for comments. At the end of the week, which means Friday people, we will select 6 of the ugliest sweaters and put them up for a vote. The 3 that get the most votes will win.

Sounds a little crazy huh? Hopefully it will be a fun time and a great way to show off that amazing sweater that is carefully hidden in the back of the closet. What are you waiting for? Go grab that puppy throw it on and get your picture submitted now!!

P.S. Due to limitations this is only available to U.S. and Canadian residence. Sorry.

For the rest of those that don’t celebrate Christmas. You can just sent in a picture of the ugliest sweater you have or the worst outfit possible. No Halloween costumes though. That defeats the purpose. It need to be real clothes that you have that, most likely a family member gave you.