
Go Launcher Ex Gets A Little Bit Of An Update Today

First I would like to apologize to you fellow Go Launcher Ex users, because I pretty much started the Go Launcher craze on this site with my very first article comparing the launcher to ADW and Launcher Pro. After that, I started posting about updates, themes, as well as all the features that came with it such as GOSMS, GO contacts, and GO Widgets. I have not really been keeping up with all the stuff I have found with the launcher I love so much, but I will get on it! More posts for the awesome launcher in the weeks to come!

Now that I got that out of my system, Go Launcher Ex got a nice little update today. I always get excited when I look in my apps folder for updates and see Go Launcher Ex listed there waiting for me to update it. Sometimes it is little minor updates, but anything that helps it out is fine by me. Check out what the new update brings:

  • (New) Option for hiding icon background (in visual settings)
  • (New) Supports custom font size of icon label
  • (Improve) Operation experience of app drawer folder
  • (Improve) Home screen icon extrusion effect
  • (Fix) Error icon preview of folder

So get your update fellow Go Launcher-ers. I’m going to be posting more articles about it, so stay tuned.

Application: Go Launcher Ex
Developer: GO Launcher Dev Team
Cost: Free