
Google+ app updating to v4.9 with swipe to refresh on individual posts and some title changes [APK Download]

Continuing on the trend of updating our beloved Google apps on this fine Wednesday afternoon, we have an update that is rolling out for Google+. The update moves the social network outlet to version 4.9 and does a bit more than just get a new version number. In this build we see the swipe down to refresh feature being implemented on individual posts finally. This simply means you can swipe down on the screen to get the post to refresh and load any new comments instead of hitting the overflow menu and taping refresh. Not monumental, but indeed a plus. They were nice enough to leave the refresh button up there in the overflow menu though.

Google+ APK Google+ APK
It also looks like Google has altered a few titles for things inside the app as well. For instance, the “Everything” feed is now just called “Home” and your My Circles and My communities have dropped the “My” and are simply what they are. Kind of makes sense to me since I am logged in as me, I already know they are my circles and communities.

I am sure there are a few other little added changes throughout the app. If you see something else, be sure to let everyone know in the comments. To grab the update, head to the Play Store and pick it up, if it hasn’t found its way to your device just yet you can always pick up the APK via the link below.

Google+ v4.9 APK download Gappsearly