
Google brings ‘Now’ like search returns to mobile search with plans for desktop integration Soon

When Google announced enhanced search for iOS the Android community was a flutter with mixed feelings. Giving iOS users a more robust Google search experience loaded with voice returns and interactive Google cards type of displays. Everyone sitting on Ice Cream Sandwich or lower were instantly jealous and upset. While there is a mod out for getting Google Now installed on ICS, it still isn’t a true and direct from Google install. Not all is lost though. Yesterday afternoon Google announced the Google Card like experience for their mobile search on Android.

The new display is already part of Google search and there is no install or update needed of any sorts. Just go search for weather, flight times, currency conversions, equations or unit conversions. You can go to on your web browser and search, or you can use the voice search as well. While it doesn’t return your results by speaking to you, it still pops up on your screen.

It is a pretty nice little addition for those of us that can’t legitimately take advantage of Google Now. Google plans to bring the same sort of search return to the desktop experience soon, which will help tie in the search looks across multiple platforms.

If you get a chance, give it a shot on your phone or tablet. Let us know what you think of the new addition.

Via Google