
Google Drive makes possible web based Appearance

Google has been hard at work to offer its users another cloud based storage solution directly from the search giant. The rumors of the Google Drive have been floating around for a little while, with nothing all that concrete to off of. We caught some talk about it just last week and it sparked a lot of interest. Now it seems that a reader over at GeekWire discovered a little Google Drive service enabled on his account. As you can see in the image provided. It seems to resemble the Google Docs service we are already familiar with. You will also notice a small ‘Install Google Drive’ link located on the bottom left. Giving more credence to a full-fledged PC client like Dropbox offers.

We are all eagerly waiting to see the offerings Google has planned for us in the not so distant future. If done right, at a great price with an Android integration this might just replace my need for Dropbox. We will have to wait and see.

Source: GeekWire