
Google Now Launcher now available to all devices with Android 4.1+

Google Now LauncherThe Google Now Launcher has previously been an exclusive party for the Google Nexus and Google Play edition devices to frolic in, but today that changed. Google Now Launcher is now available to download from the Play Store for all devices with Android 4.1 or higher, which by now (according to last month’s distribution) should encompass around 75% of all Android devices. Of course, if you were an eager beaver, you might have already sideloaded the app when it was first release, but for all the people who haven’t tried it yet, you can try the launcher with ease now.

The Google Now Launcher was a very interesting experiment by Google, offering something a bit different than the barebones, stock launcher, with the convenience of Google Now. Of course, it lacks the abilities that many Android users appreciate in other custom launchers, like custom icons and what not, but for casual users who wanted something at least a little functional, the Google Now Launcher was a nice compromise. If you want to try it out, you can find the Play Store link below.

What do you think about Google Now Launcher? Does anyone still use it on a daily basis? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: TalkAndroid