
Google Drive Updating with Material Design Changes and Better Ways to Find, View and Share [APK Download]

Google Drive

Keeping up with the onslaught of posts and updates Google is pushing out today is quite tiresome. Over on the Google Drive blog they have announced a pending update that should start rolling out today, and over the next few days, that will give the staple Google Drive app a bit of a Material Design facelift.

In the post they also announce that the update offers up improved search by updating results as you type. You will also get the ability to add custom messages when you share a file with a collaborator or friend and even ask them for feedback when you share the file.

Google Drive Sharing

The final enhancement comes by way of a new PDF viewer that will let you find, select and copy text in PDF’s.

We haven’t caught the APK just yet, but when it does surface we will be sure get it added to the post. However, Docs, Sheets and Slides all have updates out too and those APK’s are available at Gappsearly for you. Drive will get added in there as soon as it is out too.

Update: APK download now available for Google Drive v2.1. Get it at Gappsearly.