• News
  • 19 June, 2012

Google drops ‘Longest Day deals’, apps, movies, books and music all on Sale

A few hours ago we let you know that EA dropped the price on not one but two awesome games that everyone needs to have in their Android collection. Now we find out the truth behind the deal, Google. Yes, Google is involved in making some amazing deals happen yet again. In the never ending pursuit of making the Play Store a success, Google ha done it yet again and created a great set of offers that you just can’t pass up. What is the occasion? Well, the longest day of summer of course. What would the longest day of the year need? Apps, books and movies of course.

You can find a descent selection of apps and games currently being offered for $0.99. We did a liitle leg work and list them all below, just click the link to snag what appeals to you.

That is an insane list… We have no intention of listing the movies and books, sorry about that.. You can find their lists by clicking the link below.
$0.99 movie rentals 

$1.99 play books

$2.99 Albums

It is a lot to take in. Not quite as huge as the ten cent app week we had a while back, but still a welcomed sale for many to grab something for a great price. Better jump on as much stuff as you can before it is gone and goes back to regular price!