
Google Now Arrives on iOS. How does that Feel?


Jelly Bean is currently running on about a quarter of the devices out there. So what does that mean? A lot of Android users have not been able to taste the fruits of Google Now.

It is sad that Google’s most impressive application to date, is not being used by a majority of their users. Sure, developers out there have done their best to try to bring Google Now to ICS devices, but it still just is not the same. Well if that did not sting you enough, now people on iOS get to try out the sexy assistant as of today.

Google Now has officially arrived on iOS, and SIRI just might rebel in digital hand to hand combat with the Google Now girl. Let’s face it, Google Now definitely has a leg up on SIRI, and Apple knows this. This is why they have now made it available to their iOS users. This is only real advantage of having the same boring old OS. Hopefully more OEMs can catch up to Jelly Bean, so more users can hear the sexy voice of their Google Now.

So what do you guys think about this? Obviously, this is all to be blamed on the dreaded Android fragmentation. It almost feels like Google is cheating on us a little bit, but it is a business and we just go to take stuff like this in stride.

Source: Android Pit