
Google removes deauthorization limits, goes back to real world Uses

Yesterday turned into quite the explosion of conversation after Google Music users got denied the ability to deauthorize devices from their accounts. Apparently Google put a few changes into motion that forced users to only be able to deauthorize 4 devices a year. It didn’t take long for testers and ROM flash-a-holics to be in a sticky predicament.

Some of you maybe in the dark about the whole thing, so let us give a quick little explanation. Say you have your Galaxy Nexus. You authorize Google Music on your device, you also have a tablet that is also authorized, and probably your PC, Google TV, Laptop and anything else that can run Google Music. A person can easily have 6 or 7 authorized devices just using stock devices they own. Now you root your phone and tablet and flash a new ROM to them. You re-install Google Music and re-authorize it. That is two more devices added to your total. Pretty soon you are 10 authorized devices when you may only own 3 or 4. In order for Google Music to sync up, you have to re-authorize the app. If you have hit your limit you are greeted with a message that you are at your limit and to deauthorize unused devices. This is where the issue started yesterday, people would go do that and then be greeted with another message saying they have deauthorized to many devices. Making the use of you Google Music account useless to your new device or recently flashed device.

So, fast forward a few hours to now. Google has since pulled that aspect from the system and you are now able to deauthorize as many devices as you want from your account. You may want to jump on that before a new limit is added again. Why Google did this in the first place is beyond me. Granted the majority of the people who run into this are developers and ROM flashers, but the average Joe could just as easily run into an issue simply by having too many devices that they use. Hopefully Google will just leave well enough alone.

Via Androidcommunity