
Google to the rescue: Android 4.4.4 gets a speedy release to plug security Holes

android kitkat 4.4.4Just a few weeks after Android 4.4.3 was rolled out to Nexus and Motorola devices, a new software update has already popped up. Android 4.4.4, or KTU84P for those keeping track with builds, allegedly deals with some security issues, presumably ones which have arisen due to the last update. People with devices on Android 4.4.3 and suffering an array of issues shouldn’t get too excited though; while it is a new iteration of Android, the build progression has only gone from KTU84M for Android 4.4.3 to KTU84P for Android 4.4.4, and accordingly, the changelog is extremely short.

This is eerily similar to what occured when Android 4.4 was first announced and needed to be patched almost immediately to remove security issues. Still, it’s always good to know that Google can act quickly when it needs to, but everyone who is currently struggling with major and minor issues on Android 4.4.3 probably wish Google would act quickly to help them too. The factory images for Android 4.4.4 on Nexus devices are available now, and the OTA updates have been reportedly already started rolling out.

Have you gotten the Android 4.4.4 update yet and have you noticed anything different? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Google via Phone Arena